Saturday, December 16, 2006

Women Driver Of The Year Awards -- 2006 ΘΘ

I don't think ya'll have a right to make fun of me!!

10th place:

Where are her shoes?

9th place:

My mom did this once on a guidewire for a telephone poll, in the dark, but this. . .

8th Place:

How the hell did she end up there?

7th Place:

"Gee. . .I wonder why all the other cars are parked the other way. . ."

6th place:

Just becuase she's as big as a bus, doesn't mean she's actually a bus!!

5th place:

I've left my keys in the door once, when I was 16; I've left the cover flipped open when I was tired; my grandfather even left the bottle of oil under the hood before, but this -- this I think she would have noticed while pulling away. . .?

4th Place:

At least, with the one with the rock above, I could kinda see how that could happen, but this one I'm clueless. . .

Bronze Medalist:

How did she get out of the car? And she's hella lucky that boat didn't move!!!

Sliver Medalist:

Fucking cops. . .I bet she was trying to pull someone over to give a ticket to.


That has to be uncomfortable.